Banaras Locomotives has a unique distinction, as being India’s leading locomotive manufacturer with state of the art technology. Here are three things that makes Banaras Locomotive Famous.
3 Unique Things done by Banaras Locomotives
1) Banaras Locomotive Works (BLW) produced highest ever locomotives during the financial year 2021-22
2) Banaras Locomotives manufactured a total of 367 locomotives this Financial year including 04 locomotives exported to Mozambique
3) Banaras Locomotives garnered 60.68 crores from exported locos in the financial year 2021-22
Banaras Locomotive Works created history by setting a new record by manufacturing the highest number of locomotives till date during the financial year 2021-22.
A total of 367 locomotives were manufactured this year including 04 locomotives exported to Mozambique, which is a huge achievement in itself. These 367 locomotives include passenger locomotive WAP7 total 31, freight locomotive WAG9 total 332 and Mozambique 04 locomotives.
Along with this, Banaras Locomotives received 60.68 crores from exported locos in the financial year 2021-22 and a total of 704 crores since 2011 and 1837 crores from non-railway customers since 2011 till date.
In the year 2021-22, BLW generated revenue of 6.09 crores from exported locomotive parts as against 1.08 crores in the previous year 2020-21, which is an increase of 464 percent over the previous year.
Similarly, the revenue received from non-railway customers from the supply of locomotive parts was 16.4 crores as compared to 8.29 crores in the previous year 2020-21, which was 98.6 percent higher in comparison.
Banaras Locomotives make Diesel Locomotives are making their presence felt in Africa.

In the spirit of Atmanirbhar Bharat, Cape Gauge Diesel Locomotives Designed in India,
• Made in India and
• Financed by India
• For Export
Were exported to for Mozambique.
The crank-case assembly, which is most important item of the engine, is made in-house at BLW. These locomotives are currently successfully being operated as multiple units to haul coal from Coal Mines.