September 1, 2024: Iconic Malayalam actor Mammootty has called for a rigorous and impartial police investigation into the escalating sexual harassment claims within the Malayalam film industry. The 72-year-old cinematic legend, celebrated for his profound impact on Indian cinema, has rejected the idea of an overarching “power center” in Mollywood and urged authorities to tackle the issue with the utmost integrity.
Mammootty’s plea follows a similar declaration by fellow superstar Mohanlal, who also refuted any involvement with a dominant power faction in the industry. Both stars are reacting to the recent uproar sparked by the Justice Hema Committee’s report, which has brought serious allegations against several high-profile figures in the Malayalam film world.
In his post, Mammootty underscored that cinema mirrors society, reflecting its strengths and shortcomings. He supported the Justice Hema Committee’s recommendations, which were designed to offer solutions in light of the disturbing allegations that have emerged. He expressed optimism that the ongoing police investigation would be carried out with the required seriousness and transparency.
“The full version of the Justice Hema Committee report is now with the court. It’s time for the police to conduct an honest investigation and for the court to decide on the appropriate penalties. The notion of a ‘powerhouse’ in cinema is a myth,” Mammootty asserted. He also pointed out the historical role of the actors’ organization in handling such matters, revealing his patience as a result of this traditional approach.
The Malayalam film industry has been rocked by allegations of sexual assault and harassment involving prominent figures including Jayasurya, Siddique, Mukesh, Maniyanpilla Raju, Idavela Babu, and director Ranjith. Accusations have also been levied by actors Minu Muneer and Sonia Malhaar against notable industry personalities.
The controversy gained momentum with the public release of the 235-page Justice Hema Committee report last week. Although redacted to protect the identities of those involved, the report suggests that a small clique of male producers, directors, and actors exerts significant control over the industry. The committee, established by the state government in 2017 and reporting in 2019, faced delays due to legal challenges.
The revelations have caused significant disruption within the Association of Malayalam Movie Artists (AMMA), leading to the resignation of its executive committee, led by Mohanlal. The association has faced criticism for its handling of the scandal.
Mohanlal, in his defense, clarified that AMMA is not a trade union but a welfare organization for its members. He expressed frustration over the tendency to place undue blame on AMMA for the broader issues affecting the industry.
As a Special Investigation Team delves into the allegations, the Malayalam film industry stands at a critical crossroads in its efforts to address and resolve these grave concerns.