The Baadshah of Bollywood, Shah Rukh Khan heaped praises on Sidharth Malhotra and Kiara Advani’s performance after watching Shershaah directed by Vishnu Vardhan. The film is based on the life of Captain Vikram Batra (PVC) narrates the life story of Captain Batra and how he led the charge of his troops during the 1999 Kargil war.
Capt. Batra was given the highest wartime gallantry award Param Vir Chakra posthumously. The film pays tribute to unsung, and all the war heroes. Sidharth as Vikram Batra has impressed the viewers and critics who have praised his performance over the internet with compliments. The special review came in from SRK for Sidharth and Kiara, who he said delivered great performance.
Posting his first-hand review in his social media, SRK was all praise for Sidharth’s ‘solid performance’. He tweeted, “”If a man hasn’t discovered something that he will die for, he isn’t fit to live.” – King, Jr. Watching the impactful story of legendary Kargil War hero Capt. Vikram Batra (PVC), on screen makes us realise the meaning of this quote. Watch #Shershaah with Sid’s solid performance.”
In Shershaah, Malhotra was seen in the double role of Captain Vikram Batra and his twin brother Vishal Batra. Directed by Vishnu Varadhan and jointly produced by Dharma Productions and Kaash Entertainment, Shershaah also features actors Shiv Panditt, Raj Arjun, Pranay Pachauri, Himanshu Ashok Malhotra, Nikitin Dheer, Anil Charanjeett, Sahil Vaid, Shataf Figar and Pawan Chopra.
Shershaah was scheduled to release in 2020 in theatres, but the coronavirus-induced lockdown forced cinema halls to remain shut, delaying its arrival on the big screen. It was further delayed to release in the beginning of 2021 but later it was announced that the film would stream on Amazon Prime Video.
Shershaah – Sidharth Malhotra and Kiara gets praised from celebs and specially Shah Rukh Khan
Captain Vikram Batra laid down his life in the service of the nation while recapturing Indian territories from Pakistani intruders during the Kargil War in 1999. And due to his immense bravery, he was given the title of ‘Sher Shah’ (Lion King). Set in the 90s, the film will also offer an insight into the age of innocent romance, showcasing the chemistry between the leading pair- Kiara and Sidharth.
Kiara was seen portraying the role of Dimple Cheema, a strong pillar of support to Captain Vikram Batra.