Apurva Padgaonkar and Bigg Boss OTT winner Divya Aggarwal have made their relationship official. Divya not only made her birthday very special, but made it even more momentous by making her courtship with Apurva Padgaonkar official through her latest Instagram post. Divya shared lovey dovey pictures with him and called herself ‘his baico (wife)’ in the post.
In the images she posted on Monday, Divya and Apurva Padgaonkar can be seen hugging one another. In another photo, he kisses Divya on the forehead while she is also seen showing off her engagement ring.
She shared the pictures with Apurva Padgaonkar and wrote, “Will I ever stop smiling? Probably not. Life just got more sparkly and I found the right person to share this journey with. His ‘baico’. A forever promise. From this important day, I will never walk alone.”
What followed was a sea of congratulatory messages for her. and Apurva Padgaonkar. Actor Pavitra Punia wrote, “Oh my Godddddddddddd, oh my Goddddd, oh my Goddddddd, yessssss. You guys sooooooooo happyyyyy @divyaagarwal_offfficial @apurva.insta.”
Actor Mahhi Vij also commented, “Congratulations my jaanu.” Actor Abhishek Bajaj wrote, “Can’t wait to see you get married.” Actors Aarti Singh and Sana Makbul also posted their congratulations for Divya and dropped heart emojis on the post.
Anchor Shefali Bagga also wrote, “Soooo happy for you both ajao Dubai dubara party karte h (Come to Dubai, let us party again).” Actor Rakshanda Khan commented, “Whoa whoa whoaaaaaaa! And I missed THIS!!!!! Oh my God, I’m just overrrrrrrrr the moon for you girl. This has got to be the best birthday gift ever!!!!!”
Earlier this year, Divya Aggarwal had announced her separation from Varun Sood ending their four-year-long relationship. She wrote in an Instagram post in March, “Life is such a circus! Try and keep everyone happy, expect nothing that’s true but what happens when the self love starts declining?? No i don’t blame anyone for anything that’s happening to me.. I feel worked up .. and that’s okay .. I want to breathe n live for myself .. that’s okay ! I hereby formally declare that I’m on my own in this life and would like to take my time to live the way I want to!”
Apurva Padgaonkar , Divya Aggarwal Engagement News Goes Viral
Actor Divya Agarwal won the first digital version of Bigg Boss. A pro at the reality show game — this is her third as a contestant and second as a winner — Divya holds this title in special esteem because the show was first of its kind. An offshoot of the hugely successful and equally controversial Bigg Boss, the OTT version saw Divya emerge as the winner and Nishant Bhat and Shamita Shetty as the runners-up.
The TV actress also shared how her life post Bigg Boss OTT journey changed. Divya said people appreciated how she played, saw a different side of hers, which is what she exactly wanted. “People should learn something from the journey. I don’t take reality shows as I have to earn something and leave. For me, it is about showing my personality in Indian reality shows and if they help you and inspire you. It has been great since Bigg Boss OTT, my personality, my acting career…it has been amazing,” said the actress,” she added.
After winning the Bigg Boss OTT trophy Divya unveiled a short film titled, The Box, which she has produced and acted in.
Before getting married to BF Varun Sood Divya had stated , “Yes, of course. When we got into a relationship, we obviously thought of that only. Varun and my ideology is not like dekhte hai, pehle yeh karte hai, woh karte hai. That’s not there, it’s very simple. I like you, and I’ll marry you. In my dictionary, there is no relationship that doesn’t reach till marriage. So when we met, we obviously had a word on it, but then we had some goals as a couple – that we have to be a team, earn together, buy a house, buy a nice car, do everything possible for the future, and then we will take that step.”