Actor Amitabh Bachchan remembered legendary athlete late Milkha Singh by sharing the last page of the sports icon’s autobiography ‘The Race of My Life‘ and called it “An inspiration for all.” “My final words would be: life as a sportsperson is hard…but remember there are no shortcuts to success,” the page read. It was followed by an inspirational Urdu couplet.
The page reads, “My final words would be: life as a sportsperson is hard, and there will certainly be times when you might be tempted to quit, or rake shortcuts—but remember there are no shortcuts to success. At such times you should try and derive inspiration from this Urdu couplet: “Mita de apni hasti ko agar his martaba chahe, ki dana khak may mil kar gul-e-gulzar hota hai.”
The couplet has been translated as, “Destroy your entire existence if you want to reach the zenith, ‘Cos a seed has to become one with the dust to sprout the blossom into a flower.”