India’s National COVID Vaccination Program is built on scientific and epidemiological evidence, WHO guidelines and global best practices. Anchored in systematic end-to-end planning, it is implemented through effective and efficient participation of States/UTs and the people at large.
There have been some media reports alleging non-transparent allocation of COVID-19 vaccines to States. These allegations are completely without any basis, and not fully informed.
The News facts India’s Covid-19 vaccination efforts update

It is clarified that Government of India continues to allocate COVID-19 vaccines to States/UTs in a transparent manner. Information about the vaccine supply by Government of India, consumption by the States/UTs, balance and unutilised vaccine doses available with States/UTs, along with vaccine supply in the pipeline is regularly shared through press releases made by Press Information Bureau, and also through other forums.
The distribution of COVID19 vaccine is done on the below mentioned parameters:
Population of a state
Caseload or disease burden
State’s utilisation efficiency
The allocation is negatively affected bythe Vaccine Wastage.
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Dr. Harsh Vardhan, Health Minister of India in his twitter message wrote India continues testing for #COVID19 at a steady pace! Test tubeMore than 18.59 lakh samples tested on June 23. Over 39.78 crore tests conducted so far across the country