Former Chief Minister of Telangana, K Chandrasekhar Rao, popularly known as KCR was rushed to Yashoda Hospital in Hyderabad following an unfortunate fall at his farmhouse in Erravalli last night. Sources suggest a suspected fracture after the 69-year-old Bharat Rashtra Samithi (BRS) leader slipped in his bathroom.
Hospital authorities, in an official statement, revealed that KCR has sustained a left hip fracture (Extracapsular Neck of femur fracture) and is set to undergo left hip replacement surgery. The medical team, consisting of experts in Orthopaedics, Anaesthesia, General Medicine, and Pain Medicine, is closely monitoring his condition. The hospital assured the public of his stable condition and pledged regular health updates.
Upon learning of KCR’s injury, Prime Minister Narendra Modi expressed his concern and wished him a swift recovery. “Distressed to know that former Telangana CM Shri KCR Garu has suffered an injury. I pray for his speedy recovery and good health,” PM Modi wrote in a social media post.
Dr Kalvakuntla Sanjay, #BRS Korutla MLA, who is also an orthopedician, will conduct surgery upon the former Chief Minister’s hip at Yashoda. According to docs, KCR slipped on his lungi on his way to the washroom last night.
Meanwhile, Kavitha Kalvakuntla, a prominent leader within the BRS party, affirmed that KCR is under expert care and has sustained a minor injury.
KCR Health Bulletin
The incident comes at a critical time for the BRS party, which recently faced setbacks in the Telangana Assembly elections, trailing behind the Congress.
K Chandrasekhar Rao’s political journey has been marked by significant victories, securing the Karimnagar, Medak, and Mahbubnagar Lok Sabha seats five times, including two by-polls. He has served as a minister in the NTR government and subsequently in the government of his son-in-law N Chandrababu Naidu. Additionally, KCR held the position of deputy speaker in the Andhra Pradesh Assembly.
The prayers and well-wishes from political figures and citizens alike continue to pour in for the speedy recovery of the veteran leader, K Chandrasekhar Rao.