Sooryavanshi, the Akshay Kumar, Ajay Devgn and Ranveer Singh cop drama movie is all set for a theatrical release this Diwali. Actor Akshay Kumar on his Instagram thanked Uddhave Thackery for opening up cinema theatres from October 27.
Sooryavanshi will face a box-office clash with Marvel Movie Angelina Jolie’s Eternals. Earlier this month, Disney had announced that the superhero movie will be released worldwide in theaters on November 5. Eternals features Salma Hayek, Angelina Jolie and Richard Madden. Diwali falls on November 4 this year.
Sooryavanshi goes head on with Marvel Eternals
Akshay Kumar welcomed Maharashtra’s decision to reopen cinema halls in the state from October 22 and announced the release date for his film. He shared a picture from the sets of the film and wrote, “So many families would be thanking
Rohit the director of Sooryavanshi had also shared a picture with Maharashtra CM and wrote on social media, “Thanks to our Honourable Chief Minister, Shri Uddhav Thackeray, theatres in Maharashtra to reopen from 22nd October. And FINALLY!!! we can say, This DIWALI…AA RAHI HAI POLICE.”