COP28: The 2023 World Malaria Report has sounded a resounding alarm, confirming that the ongoing #ClimateCrisis significantly jeopardizes the strides made against malaria, particularly in regions already vulnerable to the disease.
According to the report, shifts in temperature, humidity, and rainfall patterns exert a profound influence on the behavior and survival of the Anopheles mosquito, the carrier of malaria. These changes directly impact the transmission dynamics and survival rates of the malaria parasite.
Extreme weather events, including heatwaves and flooding, are pinpointed as direct contributors to the increased transmission and disease burden. Such occurrences not only intensify the breeding grounds for mosquitoes but also disrupt ongoing control efforts, amplifying the risk to human health.
Amidst this urgent concern, as global leaders convene at #COP28, the World Health Organization (@WHO) has vehemently called for substantial investment in sustainable and resilient malaria responses. Coupled with this, urgent #ClimateAction is advocated to mitigate the pace of global warming and reduce its dire effects.
COP28 : 2023 World Malaria Report Highlights Climate Crisis Threat to Malaria Control

Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director-General of WHO, emphasized the critical need for immediate action, stating, “The intertwined nature of the climate crisis and malaria demands an urgent, coordinated response. Addressing climate change is crucial to safeguarding the progress made against malaria and protecting the most vulnerable populations.”
The report serves as a stark reminder of the intersection between environmental challenges and public health crises. Urgent, concerted efforts are deemed imperative to safeguard against the looming threat posed by the convergence of the #ClimateCrisis and the fight against malaria.
As deliberations at #COP28 intensify, the global call for decisive action grows louder, resonating the urgency to fortify resilient strategies that combat malaria while concurrently tackling the adverse impacts of climate change.WHO