COVID-19 brings different experience to different people, and it is dependent human body responses. While people with comorbidities find it difficult to cope with the virus, other who have a stronger immune systems will be able to deal with the virus with home isolation and quarantine for the required number of days as specified by the physician.
Here are few of the Things to Know about COVID-19 and how every body responds to it.
Some people with COVID-19 feel fine.
Some people with COVID-19 feel bad.
Some people with COVID-19 get very sick.
People with other health problems may get very sick.
Get help if you feel very sick.
People with COVID-19 Get Sick in Different Ways
Some people have a hard time breathing.
Some people have fever or chills.
Some people cough.
Some people feel tired.
Some people have muscles that hurt.
Some people have a headache.
Some people have a sore throat.
stay safe, follow covid-19 appropriate behaviour

Some people have a stuffy or runny nose.
Some people have an upset stomach.
Some people have diarrhea.
Some people have a loss of taste.
Some people have a loss of smell.