Philippine’s announced today one of the country’s deadliest military aviation accidents. Reports reaching now say that at least 29 people were killed and 50 injured Sunday when a Philippine military aircraft carrying troops crashed and burst into flames after missing the runway in the country’s south, officials said.
Air force spokesman Lieutenant Colonel Maynard Mariano said the cause of the crash would be investigated, while armed forces spokesman Major General Edgard Arevalo told national radio that it was being treated as an accident rather than an attack.
Most of the passengers had recently graduated from basic military training and were being deployed to the restive island as part of a joint task force fighting terrorism in the Muslim-majority region.
They were supposed to report for duty on Sunday, Gonzales said.
Reportedly 100 people, most of them recent army graduates, were on the C-130 Hercules transport plane which was trying to land on Jolo island in Sulu province around midday.
Defence Secretary Delfin Lorenzana wrote on his twitter I have ordered a full investigation to get to the bottom of the C-130 incident, as soon as the rescue and recovery operation is completed. I ask everyone to join us in praying for the the pilots, crew, passengers of the ill-fated C-130 aircraft as well as their families.

Few of the soldiers were seen jumping out of the plane before it hit the ground and exploded into flames, said Major General William Gonzales, commander of the Joint Task Force-Sulu.
“This is a sad day but we have to remain hopeful,” Gonzales said in a statement. “We enjoin the nation to pray for those who are injured and those who have perished in this tragedy.”
A search was still under way for 17 missing people from the Philippines military air crash
Photos of the crash site released by the Joint Task Force-Sulu showed the damaged tail and the smoking wreckage of the fuselage’s back section laying near coconut trees.
Images published by local media outlet Pondohan TV on its Facebook page showed the wreckage engulfed in flames and a plume of thick black smoke rising above houses located near the site.
Armed Forces Chief General Cirilito Sobejana said the aircraft was carrying troops from Cagayan de Oro on the southern island of Mindanao when it “missed the runway” as it tried to land on Jolo.
The plane tried to “regain power but didn’t make it”, he told local media.
The four-engine plane crashed near a quarry in a lightly populated area, First Lieutenant Jerrica Angela Manongdo said.