Kia India announced on Thursday, the booking, and booking price for Kia Ev6 in India. The bookings for the first 100 Kia EV6, an all-wheel drive (AWD) (in various trims), the country’s first electric vehicle, have now commenced.
The EV6 signals the start of Kia’s EV journey in the country, as it is built on a dedicated EV platform called the electric-global modular platform (E-GMP).
This year, just 100 units of the EV6 Completely Built Unit (CBU) will be available for purchase in India. Booking can be made here. The imported model will be available in the country next week.
The EV6 is available for booking through 15 select dealerships in 12 locations for a token sum of Rs 3 lakh. Customers can also make reservations via the Kia India website, according to the company.
Kia EV6: Bookings open for 100 Units only
“The Indian automotive industry is transforming, and Kia is at the forefront of this transformation. Time and again, we have proven it through our world-class products and services that cater to not just to the unmet but also the unfelt needs of Indians. The introduction of Kia EV6 in the country reiterates the same,” Kia India Managing Director and CEO Tae-Jin Park said.
Kia EV6 travels 528 Kms on a single charge
With 800V Ultra high speed charging capability, the Kia EV6 takes as little as 18 minutes to charge from 10% to 80%
The announcement reveals, the automobile can go up to 528 kilometres on a single charge and sprint from 0-100 km/h in just 5.2 seconds.
Using a 350KWh charger, the vehicle can be charged from 10% to 80% in as little as 18 minutes.
It has all-wheel drive (AWD) (in various trims), a panoramic sunroof, multiple drive modes, front collision avoidance help, lane keep assist, and more than 60 linked technologies.